Saturday, June 18, 2011

Baltimore Oriole - what a beauty!

I was lucky this week to see a pair of Baltimore Orioles attending to their nest and chicks. This pretty fellow, with his beak full of grubs, posed for me.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Butterfly Weekend

This must have been my weekend for butterflies. We saw quite a number of them while out hiking and at the beach, and these four obligingly sat for a portrait. Update: Thanks to TH for identifying these for me - I never knew you were a butterfly fancier! Sizes are approximate. 

Papilio Glaucus (Eastern Tiger Swallowtail) - Size 3" across

Vanessa Antiopa (Mourning Cloak) - Size 3-1/2" across

Celastrina Ladon (Spring Azure) - Size 1-1/4" across

Hylephila Phyleus (Fiery Skipper) - Size 1-1/2" across

Donkey and an Apple